Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rant time. Annnnnd go!

I have a few different things I want to kind of touch base on simply because I either feel convicted by this or am annoyed by this. I apologize for the fact that this is completely selfish and mainly for the purpose of my own sanity, but hey... if this is beneficial to anyone, I've just accidentally done something really cool with my self-expression and my free time.

"No can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt.
100% true, but it's a lot easier said than done, am I right?

Maybe this is just me, but as sweet as compliments are, it's the destructive and hateful comments that I remember. It was that horribly rude girl in seventh grade with words like swords and that malicious boy my sophomore year that have made a bigger impact on me than anything kind that was once said. You know why these things hurt me? Not only because of their harmful nature, but also because I let them. It seems so easy to falter to painful comments and hurtful words, but to dismiss the most sincere compliments. To be honest, I feel like crap when one person says something insulting thing despite the 248023498 people that said something encouraging. And let's be honest, I am not the only person that does that.

We so often allow other people to pull on our heart strings, mess with our heads and make us feel horrid about ourselves. Why though? I don't get it. It's not a matter of being strong... or at least I don't think it is. I hope that's not the case, because I guess I'm a really weak person.

It's so easy to forget our identity in Christ... how He hand-crafted not only your physical appearance, but your soul. You're the handiwork of God. If that doesn't make you beautiful, I don't know what does. It's so hard  to remember that. You know?

But I guess I'll end my selfish rant with this:
You (this is me too!) are beautiful, you are worthy of love, you are worthy of happiness.
You are a child of the Almighty King, He loves you and has good things for you.
Never give up, never cease to have hope.

Later bro,

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