Thursday, July 14, 2011

Post-Hume Sadness.

Every high comes with a crash.
And no, I don't mean drugs... :P

Hume Lake, and any other Christian summer camp for that matter, comes with an amazing mountain top experience. Being at chapel two times a day, worshiping alongside a giant group of people (most being great friends of mine), seeing hands raised and eyes closed and hearts on fire. I miss seeing daily lives surrounded by all things God. It's hard to board that bus in the morning, drive away from your home for 7 days and expect to honestly feel the same way when you get home. Mountain top highs always come with a crash.

Going home from camp is always a bummer. As much as I did miss my family, my friends and my very own bed. being at Hume is a feeling like no other. That Saturday morning, boarding the bus, making sure I was sitting with Travis, Stephy and Hailey, thinking "Is that really it?" Those thoughts were not because I felt disappointed and expected more from my camp experience, not at all. Those thoughts were because I felt like  the most amazing week of my summer went by way too fast. All the things that I learned, all the fun activities I got to be a part of, the nearness I felt with God... it felt like it was all over.

But that's not how it should be, is it? Why should my location determine the way I feel about God? That's a little selfish, don't you think? Chapel doesn't always have to be someone teaching me something, it can be about me getting over how lazy I feel or how upset/angry at God I might be, I can learn for myself. Worship doesn't always revolve around an awesome band and some cool lyrics. Worship is a lifestyle.

So, easier said than done, right? Right. This the part that I need to work on. Being kept accountable. It's not that hard to crack open my Bible for a mere five minutes and put a little Jesus in my day. Staying connecting is only hard if you're not willing to do it. There's a God up in Heaven that wants you, wants me, and I'm being too selfish to just see what He has for me, when I already know it's the best.

I really do miss Hume though...
Well, that's my ramble for today. I really need to get my act together.
I'm very determined to stay focused and to stay connected but, it takes work. So it's time to get my Jesus wheels in gear and really step up.

Later bro,

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